Sunday, 15 October 2017



8時から9じまで Riverside Park へいきます。

9時から10じまで Tom's Restaurant で朝ごはんを食べます。

10時から12時までバスで Guggenheim びじゅつかんへいきます。

12時に food truck で hotdog を買います、それから Central こうえんで hot dog を食べます。

1時に、ちかてつでTime Squareへいきます。Time Squareでshoppingをします




Monday, 2 October 2017

I chose to learn Japanese because I would like to learn more about Japanese culture.  I've always enjoyed learning languages.  Growing up in Hong Kong, I speak Cantonese and English; in elementary school, I learned Putonghua (Mandarin) and when I went to boarding school , I started studying French.  I believe learning the language is the best mean to learn about the culture of the place.  During these four weeks of studying Japanese, I am intrigued about the writing systems of the language and its unique syntax.  I also understand how the Japanese language take different elements from other languages and provide them with new meanings, demonstrating the diversity and multiculturalism in the language and, to a certain extent, in East Asia.  I look forward to studying more Japanese and learning more about the language and the culture.

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                     Image result for columbia university